Maria Montessori: The Liberator of Children

By Marsha Familaro Enright Originally published in Free Voices, Spring 2013 One hundred and thirty two years ago last August in Chiaravalle, on the northeast coast of Italy, a baby girl was born who became the founder of a liberation movement: the liberation of children. Her work ignited interest around the world and is controversial … Continue reading “Maria Montessori: The Liberator of Children”

Education for a New Enlightenment

By Marsha Enright Winter 2010 — If you’re familiar with two- to five-year-old children, then you understand what Aristotle meant when he said “All men, by nature, desire to know.” Very little will stop the young child from exploring the world and trying to learn—sometimes to the exasperation of parents! The young child who turns … Continue reading “Education for a New Enlightenment”

What’s Wrong With Distance Learning

Thoughts from an expert teacher by Marsha Familaro Enright Very, very often when I tell people about our project to open a new college program, their first question is: “Will it be online?” And they have good reasons to expect that it would be: online is vastly cheaper than in-person teaching and it can reach … Continue reading “What’s Wrong With Distance Learning”

A little recognized influence on the Montessori Movement by Marsha Familaro Enright

originally published in Montessori Leadership “Help me to do it myself,” self-responsibility, peace:  these are fundamentals of the Montessori philosophy.  How many of you know that another, highly influential thinker with these same beliefs has had a huge influence on the Montessori movement:  Ayn Rand?  Today, there are thousands of parents, teachers and heads of school … Continue reading “A little recognized influence on the Montessori Movement by Marsha Familaro Enright”

Schools for Individualists: TNI’s exclusive interview with Marsha Enright, by Sara Pentz

Marsha Familaro Enright has been attracted by the pleasures and problems of education since the third grade. Trained in biology and psychology, she has written research articles on psychology, neuropsychology, development, and education for a number of publications. She founded the Council Oak Montessori School near Chicago in 1990 and has served as its president … Continue reading “Schools for Individualists: TNI’s exclusive interview with Marsha Enright, by Sara Pentz”

The Montessori Way, by Tim Seldin and Paul Epstein

When I was in grammar school in the late ‘50’s, I loved school.  I eagerly looked forward to learning every day.  But by the time I was eight I noticed this wasn’t true for everyone.  No.  In fact, many, many of the other children were confused or defiant or scared or just plain bored.  I could … Continue reading “The Montessori Way, by Tim Seldin and Paul Epstein”

Interview with Marsha Enright by Karen Minto, Full Context, Vol. 12, No. 1

Q: How did the ideas of Ayn Rand impact your life? Marsha: I read through Atlas the summer following The Fountainhead, and all the books and essays I could get my hands on after that, over the next few years. This included Nathaniel Branden’s The Psychology of Self-Esteem, which greatly influenced my thinking in psychology, … Continue reading “Interview with Marsha Enright by Karen Minto, Full Context, Vol. 12, No. 1”

Foundations Study Guide: Montessori Education

Revised August 1997 Formerly a psychotherapist, Marsha Enright, co-founded the Council Oak Montessori School (elementary level) in 1990, of which she is the president and administrator. Another cofounder of the school and its corporate secretary, Doris Cox, currently teaches middle school children at Council Oak. The education of the human child is of profound importance … Continue reading “Foundations Study Guide: Montessori Education”