Altruism As Appeasement – A Collaborative Discussion

Many have asked me to listen to an example of a Great Connections seminar discussion. Here is a recording of a discussion about Ayn Rand’s article “Altruism As Appeasement.“

Principios de discusión para una conversación de seminario de The Great Connections

Una discusión colaborativa guiada Empieza “con una pregunta, los participantes deben tener el texto asignado en sus mentes y en la mesa en frente de ellos, las alocuciones deben ser educadas y receptivas, todos deben participar y respaldar sus opiniones razonadamente. El resto se desarrolla como conversaciones vivas”. Paráfrasis de Michael Strong de la descripción … Continue reading “Principios de discusión para una conversación de seminario de The Great Connections”

Principles of Discussion of a Great Connections Seminar

  Principles of Discussion  for a Great Connections Seminar Conversation A Collaborative, Guided Discussion   Begin  “with a question, participants must have the assigned text in their minds and on the table in front of them, address is polite and responsive, all should participate and support their opinions with argument. The rest develops as living … Continue reading “Principles of Discussion of a Great Connections Seminar”